Common Installation Mistakes to Avoid 

The standout feature of SCREENEZE products is the easy installation process, regardless of whether you choose SCREENEZE, SNAPTRACK, the latest sliding screen door, or any other item. This simplicity significantly reduces installation challenges. However, for newcomers to SCREENEZE installation, knowing common mistakes can save time. In this blog post, we'll highlight these errors and offer tips to avoid them. 

Cutting Over a Textured Surface 

When fitting SCREENEZE, cutting over a textured surface complicates the cleanup of any shavings generated. Performing this task over brick or concrete can prolong the installation time and potentially result in dissatisfaction from the homeowner. Whenever feasible, opt to cut over a flat surface to simplify the removal of shavings. 

Not Accounting for Temperature 

Both SCREENEZE and SNAPTRACK feature an aluminum base and vinyl cap, rendering them susceptible to expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. As a guideline, on exceptionally warm days (exceeding 90°F), it's advisable to cut a sixteenth of an inch longer, while on very cold days (below 40°F), the opposite is recommended. However, it's essential to note that these are merely general guidelines and may require adjustment based on your specific location. 

Not Reading Through the Instructions 

Although no SCREENEZE project demands an abundance of tools, it's prudent to review the instructions before embarking to the job site (accessible on our website under the resources section). This ensures you have all the necessary tools at your disposal upon arrival. 

Forgetting to pre-drill SCREENEZE 

While SNAPTRACK arrives pre-drilled, SCREENEZE does not. While it's feasible to drill on-site, pre-drilling beforehand significantly expedites the process and can result in substantial time savings. Hence, we highly recommend pre-drilling whenever feasible. 

Starting at the Bottom of the Opening 

When installing your screen fabric, ensure to commence from the top of the opening. By doing so, you can utilize gravity to assist you in the remainder of the process. Initiating from the bottom and struggling against gravity throughout can introduce unnecessary complications to the installation. 

Let us know if there are any other common mistakes that we missed!  


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