Determine the Best Plants For Your Screened Porch 

A screened porch is a versatile and delightful space that seamlessly blends the comforts of the indoors with the beauty of the outdoors. Whether you use it for relaxing with a good book, hosting gatherings with friends, or simply enjoying the fresh air, the right selection of plants can elevate your screened porch into a lush and vibrant retreat. Continue reading for some of the factors to consider when choosing plants for your screened porch and highlights of some of the best options to create a green haven right at your fingertips. 

Factors to Consider

Light Conditions: 

  • Assess the amount of sunlight your screened porch receives throughout the day. 

  • Choose plants that thrive in the specific light conditions, whether it's full sunlight, partial shade, or low light. 

    Temperature and Climate: 

  • Consider the average temperature and climate of your region. 

  • Opt for plants that can withstand the temperature fluctuations and conditions inside a screened porch. 

    Space and Size: 

  • Determine the available space on your porch and plan accordingly. 

  • Choose plants that fit well in the space without overwhelming the area. 

    Maintenance Preferences: 

  • Consider your commitment to plant care. 

  • Select plants that align with your maintenance preferences, whether you prefer low-maintenance options or enjoy spending time tending to your green companions. 


Perfect for shaded or partially shaded porches, ferns are an excellent choice to bring a touch of elegance with their lush, feathery fronds. Among the popular varieties for these environments are Boston Ferns and Maidenhair Ferns, known for their attractive and graceful appearance. Whether seeking a charming addition to a porch or looking to enhance a shaded space, these ferns provide a delightful and visually appealing option for plant enthusiasts. 


Thriving in indirect light, these plants exhibit remarkable adaptability. Characterized by their arching green and white striped leaves, they add a touch of elegance to any space. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these plants also serve as excellent air purifiers, actively contributing to a healthier indoor environment. 

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Ideal for beginners, these plants thrive in low light conditions and can withstand neglect. With their striking, upright leaves, they effortlessly introduce a modern and architectural touch to any space. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, these plants are recognized for their air-purifying qualities, making them a versatile and low-maintenance choice for indoor environments. 

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

This resilient plant thrives in low to moderate light conditions, making it adaptable to various indoor environments. With minimal care requirements and impressive drought tolerance, it proves to be an ideal choice for those seeking a low-maintenance yet aesthetically pleasing addition to their space. Its glossy, dark green leaves not only contribute to its robust nature but also introduce an element of sophistication, enhancing the overall appeal of any setting. 

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Thriving in low to medium light conditions, this plant is distinguished by its elegant white blooms and glossy green leaves. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it serves as an excellent air purifier, effectively removing common indoor pollutants. With its adaptability and air-purifying qualities, this plant not only enhances the visual appeal of any space but also contributes to a healthier indoor environment. 

Let us know if you add any of these plants to your screened porches by tagging us on our social media accounts! 


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